Two types of computers are categorized according to working purpose: general purpose computers and special purpose computers.
Let us learn the Differences Between General Purpose Computers and Special Purpose Computers.
What are General Purpose Computers?
The general purpose computers are designed, developed, and manufactured for day-to-day tasks and operations.
These computers are readily available in the market, and users can purchase them without any hassle.
These computers are inexpensive compared to special-purpose computers, with great speed, accuracy, and extraordinary storage capacity.

They are specially designed to work with documents, spreadsheets, and accounting purposes.
They are general purpose computers as they can perform general tasks efficiently, like online shopping, booking tickets, using social media, playing games, playing songs and videos, and helping and assisting in online learning.
They are slower in processing speed, data handling, and program execution and incapable of working on more significant applications that require tremendous speed and storage capacity.
They can be used in software development and website design.
The website you are currently viewing is designed, developed, and maintained using a general-purpose computer, i.e., a Laptop.
In the near future, computers will become general purpose machines.
This means they can do any job a human can do, including tasks that are currently only possible for people with specialized equipment or training.
This could significantly impact many industries, from healthcare to manufacturing.
What are Special Purpose Computers?
As the name suggests, special purpose computers are designed and developed keeping in mind some special purpose.
They are pretty expensive compared to general-purpose computers. They have faster processing power and incredible storage capacity.

As they are costly, users cannot afford to purchase them and are also unavailable in the local computer market.
A special-purpose computer is a computer that is specifically designed for a specific task or application.
There are many special-purpose computers, but supercomputers, workstations, and servers are the most common.
Workstations differ from personal computers because they are used by many people at once and are usually bigger than personal computers.
Workstations usually come with more powerful hardware than personal computers and can also be used to run many different applications.
Servers are different from workstations in that they are used by multiple people at once and are usually much smaller than workstations.
They can often be used to store or serve up content online or connect to other network servers.
Special Purpose Computers are Used in?
- Scientific Research.
- Military.
- Research and Development
- Predicting Earthquakes.
- Volcano Eruptions.
Classification of Computer According to Purpose with Image

Differences Between General Purpose Computers and Special Purpose Computers
# | General Purpose Computers | Special Purpose Computers |
1 | General Purpose Computers are designed and developed for day-to-day tasks and operations. | Special Purpose Computers are designed and developed for particular purposes and projects. |
2 | Examples of General-purpose computers include Desktops[PC], Personal computers, Notebooks, and Tablets. | Examples of General purpose computers are Super Computers, Workstations, Servers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) |
3 | They are inexpensive compared to special-purpose computers. | They are expensive. |
4 | They are fast and have massive storage capacity. | They are quicker and have enormous storage capacity compared to general-purpose computers. |
5 | They are compact. | They are huge. |
6 | They are readily available in the market. | They are not available in the local computer market. |
7 | Their maintenance is very cheap. | Their maintenance costs are very much. |
8 | Users with no prior professional computer knowledge can use and utilize general-purpose computers. | These computers need professional help and guidance. |
9 | They are portable. | They are relatively portable. |
10 | They are efficient and versatile and also require less power to execute programs. | They are less versatile and efficient and also need more power for execution. |
11 | To fix general purposes, professionals can be easily hired. | Can’t find professionals. |
Differences Between General Purpose Computers and Special Purpose Computer With Infographic

Examples of General Purpose Computers
- Desktops
- [PC] Personal computers
- Notebooks
- Tablets.
Examples of Special Purpose Computers
- Super Computers.
- Workstations.
- Servers.
- Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
- Mobile Phones
- Palm-Top Computers
- Pocket PCs
5 Uses of General Purpose Computers
General Purpose Computers are used and utilized in.
- Education.
- Online Shopping.
- Paying Bills.
- Social Media.
- Accounting.
5 Uses of Special Purpose Computers
Special purpose computers are used in the following.
- Scientific Research.
- Military.
- Storing Huge Data and information.
- Processing Data and Retrieving Desired Results.
- Forecasting Weather
- Genetic Engineering.
- Nuclear Engineering.
What is Computer System?
A computer system is a device that allows you to access the internet and other electronic information.
A computer system typically contains many parts, including a motherboard, processor, storage, and other components.
The motherboard is an essential part of a computer system.
It helps to connect the different parts of the computer system and store information about the computer system.
The processor is also essential in a computer system. It helps to run tasks that need to be done quickly and accurately.
The processor can be either a single chip or can have many chips in it.
Storage is also essential in a computer system.
This is where you put your pictures, music, and other files that you want to keep safe. The storage can be either digital or physical.
Digital storage means you can read and write files using computers instead of carrying around physical files.
Physical storage means you must bring the file with you when you go somewhere else.
Different Types of Computer Systems
- Micro Computer.
- Mini Computer.
- Mainframe Computer.
- Super Computer.
- Workstation.

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Generations of Computer [1st to 5th]
# | Computer Generations | Timeline | Hardware |
1 | First Generation of Computer | 1940-1956 | Vacuum Tubes |
2 | Second Generation of Computer | 1956-1963 | Transistor |
3 | Third Generation of Computer | 1964-1971 | Integrated Circuit (I.C.) |
4 | Fourth Generation of Computer | 1971-1980 | Microprocessor |
5 | Fifth Generation of Computer | 1980- Till Now | Artificial Intelligence |
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
Who is the Father of Computer
Charles Benjamin Babbage is considered the “Father of the Computer.”
Is a Laptop a Special Purpose Computer?
Laptops and Desktops [PCs] are known as general-purpose computers.
Who Invented General-Purpose Computers?
John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert designed General Purpose Computers.
Which is the Most Expensive Computer
Super Computer considered to be the most expensive computer.
Is Mobile Phone a Special Purpose Computer?
No, Mobile devices are general-purpose computers.
Is Supercomputer a Special Purpose Computer
Yes, They are designed and developed for special tasks and jobs.
What is special purpose computer also called?
Special Purpose Computers are also called “Dedicated Computers”.
What is the first general-purpose computer?
General Purpose Computers are Used For?
General Purpose Computers are used for Gaming, Programming, Website Designing, Development, Entertainment, Internet Surfing, and creating documents in Wordprocessor and Spreadsheets.
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