Top 10+ Differences Between Dot Matrix Printer and Daisy Wheel Printer

Dot matrix and daisy wheel printers are two different types of printers that use technology that is obsolete in the modern computer world.

Both printers use mechanisms and more hardware components that are used and assist in producing outputs.

There are significant Differences Between Dot Matrix Printer and Daisy Wheel Printer.

Dot matrix printers are mechanical printers that use a series of dots to create characters and images on paper. These dots are arranged in grid format to produce characters and graphics.

Dot matrix printers are known for their versatility, durability, and ability to print on multipart forms.

Daisy wheel printers are also considered to be another type of impact printer. They create characters using a rotating wheel with raised characters on its spokes.

They are faster and make less noise compared to dot matrix printers. They are quite expensive than dot matrix printers.

Table of Contents

Differences Between Dot Matrix Printer and Daisy Wheel Printer in Tabular Form

Dot matrix and daisy printers are considered to be types of impact printers. They use old-fashioned technology to print.

There are numerous significant differences between dot matrix printers and daisy wheel printers.

#Dot Matrix PrintersDaisy Wheel Printers.
1Dot Matrix Printers produces low-quality outputs.Daisy Wheel Printers has high-quality outputs.
2They are noisy printers. Noise is created when pins strike the paper.They are silent or quieter.
3Dot matrix printers are faster in producing outputs.Daisy wheel printers are slower compared to dot matrix printers.
4Dot Matrix Printer support multiple fonts and styles.Daisy Wheel Printers are Limited to the characters.
5Offers a wider range of character sets and languages.Supports the English language only.
6The price is affordable.They are expensive.
7Support various styles and sizes.Support limited styles and sizes.
8Long-lasting.Smaller life span.
9Dot Matrix Printer can be connected with the help of parallel, serial ports, and USB Ports.Limited connecting options.
10Uses single or multicolour ink ribbons.Single-color ribbon.
11Compatible with a wider range of software and systems.Limited compatibility.

Differences Between Dot Matrix Printer and Daisy Wheel Printer Using Image

Differences Between Dot Matrix Printer and Daisy Wheel Printer

Similarities Between Daisy Wheel and Dot Matrix Printer

Dot matrix and daisy wheel printers are old-fashioned printers that are designed and developed using old technology that is not used in the modern world.

Several significant Similarities Between Daisy Wheel and Dot Matrix Printer are mentioned below.

  • They both fall in the category of impact printers.
  • They are designed and manufactured with the help and assistance of various mechanical components.
  • They both derive outputs using a character-by-character printing style.
  • They both generate noise while printing.
  • Both types of printers use continuous paper.
  • They operate slowly compared to modern-day printers.

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Useful Video: Differences Between Dot Matrix Printer and Daisy Wheel Printer

Differences Between Thermal Printers and Dot Matrix Printers

#Thermal PrintersDot Matrix Printers
1Thermal Printers are a non-impact type of printer.The Dot Matrix printers are impact type of printers
2Thermal Printers are inexpensive.Dot Matrix printers are expensive compared to thermal printers.
3Thermal Printers are noiseless.Dot Matrix printers make noise while printing.
4They do not require maintenance.They require maintenance periodically.
5Thermal Printers are compact in shape and size.Dot Matrix printers are bigger than thermal printers.
6They produce high-quality printouts. They produce low-quality printouts compared to thermal printers.
7They are designed and developed with new and updated technology.They are old fashion printers built with old technology.
8They have a fast printing speed.They are slow to operate and print.
9They have minimum moving parts.They have more moving parts compared to thermal printers.
10They are simple to use and operate.Somewhat challenging to use and operate.
11Thermal Paper is used.Cartridges or Toners are used for printing.

Different Types of Printers

  1. Impact Printers.
  2. Non-Impact Printers.
Types of Printer
Types of Printer

What are Dot Matrix Printers?

Dot Matrix Printers are impact printers. They are also known to be character printers that usually print characters by character style. This type of printing generates slower outputs.

The outputs are generally in black and continuous printing style. The speed of the dot matrix is measured in CPS characters per Second.


Dot Matrix Printers generally present low-quality outputs.

They are generally and extensively used and utilized in banks and hospitals. There are several significant advantages of dot matrix printers; therefore, they are used in banks and hospitals where a huge number of printouts are required.

They need less maintenance and are inexpensive.

Examples of Dot Matrix Printers?

  1. EPSON LX-310 Single Function
  2. TVS MSP 250 STAR Single Function
  3. EPSON LQ-1310 Single Function
  4. TVS HD 250 Gold Single Function
  5. TVS MSP 345 Single Function
  6. TVS MSP 245 Single Function

Uses of Dot Matrix Printers?

  1. Railways
  2. Banks
  3. Electricity Bills
  4. Regional Transport Office [R.T.O]
  5. Schools
  6. Colleges
  7. Universities
Uses of Dot Matrix Printers
Uses of Dot Matrix Printers

Advantages of Dot Matrix Printers

  1. Reliability.
  2. Versatility.
  3. Ease of Maintenance.
  4. Portability.
  5. Low Printing Cost.

What are Daisy Wheel Printers?

The name daisy wheel printers comes from the petals of the daisy flower. They are the type of impact printer that produces good quality outputs compared to dot matrix printers.

Daisy wheel printers are extensively used and utilized in offices, banks and hospitals.

These printers are noisy printers that are produced when a daisy wheel strikes the paper to generate good quality outputs.

Daisy wheel printers produce excellent quality outputs compared to old-fashioned dot-matrix printers.

They have outcomes with good speed when compared to dot matrix printers.

Examples of Daisy Wheel Printers?

  • IBM Personal Wheelwriter.
  • Brother AX Series.
  • Smith-Corona Typewriters.
  • Canon AP Series.
  • Epson QX Series.

Uses of Daisy Wheel Printers?

There are several places where daisy wheel printers are extensively used and utilized. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Word and Spreadsheet Processing.
  • Desktop Publishing.
  • Typing and Typewriting.
  • Bills and Invoices.
  • Legal Documents.

Different Printers With Their Uses in Tabular Form

#1LaserLaser printers are used in printing stationery, brochures, labels, leaflets
#2Dot-MatrixThe dot matrix printers are capable of printing multiple sheets at once. They are used in the billing section of offices and businesses.
#3Thermal PrintersThey are used in railways reservations, restaurants, ATMs, credit card swipes, malls, etc.
#4Photo PrintersPhoto Printers are used for printing photos and images in high quality and are used by professionals.
#5Inkjet PrintersInkjet printers are used to produce printouts on a variety of objects such as Envelop, T-shirts, visiting cards, invitation cards, etc.

Is a Printer an Input or Output Device

Is a Printer an Input or Output Device
Is a Printer an Input or Output Device

Famous Printer Manufacturing Companies

Recommended Reading

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

What are dot matrix and daisy wheel printers called?

They both fall in the category of impact printers.

What is another name for a daisy wheel printer?

Ball Printers and colour printers.

What is another name for a dot matrix printer?

Impact Printer.

Where is the daisy wheel printer used?

Superior print quality compared to old typewriters.

What is the output of a daisy wheel printer?

It can present output in more than 3000 characters per minute.

What are the 5 Types of Printing?

1] Surface Printing.
2] Screen Printing.
Rotary Screen.
Gravure Printing.
Digital Printing.

Get In Touch

The dot matrix and daisy wheel printers are types of impact printers that are used in continuous printing to produce printing.

They use mechanical force to transfer ink into paper to produce or generate outputs on paper.

This technology that was used in developing dot matrix and daisy wheel printers is replaced by modern printing technology that is used in laser and thermal printers.

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