The Napier’s Bones in the computer is considered as calculating machine/device invented by John Napier.
This invention made multiplication easy to handle and execute. They were very easy to use and handle.
Let us discuss why napiers bone in computer systems was used and utilized.
What is Napiers Bones in Computer?
A scientist named JOHN NAPIER invented Napier's bones in the year 1617.
The main motive or objective in designing and developing this machine was for calculation purposes.
Once Napier’s bones were created the task of multiplying was made very simple, the machine is made up of several rods, and those rods are fitted in the type of multiply table that is placed inside.
Elephant bones are used to make the machine, and the bones are printed with numbers. Calculation of division and multiplication is done with this mechanical machine.
Who Invented Napier Bones?
In ancient times, people used stones, wood, bones, and fingers for calculation, but using these materials to calculate tedious problems was difficult or impossible to handle and solve.

Thus, as time changed, humans made new inventions to solve complex or challenging problems easier to solve.
China invented Abacus before 2700-2300 B.C for calculating significant issues.
Before the invention of Napier’s bones, Abacus was the only device for calculating math problems until the 16th century.
With the help of elephant’s teeth, a device was made in 1617 for calculating numbers.
They wrote them on rows and columns, and, with the help of the device, they were able to do so.
Later this was made of metal or wood; for making this device for division and multiplication, they use 9 different sign bones; that is why it is known as Napier Bones; this is the first device with a decimal point.
What is the Difference Between Abacus and Napier Bones?
# | Abacus | Napier’s Bones |
1 | The Abacus was invented in China, considered the first calculating device. | In 1614, a Scottish mathematician named John Napier invented the Napier Bone’s calculating machine. |
2 | Abacus had parallel rods attached to a wooden frame. | A Napier’s bone device consists of a wooden box containing rotating cylinders with digits ranging from 0 to 9. |
3 | Abacus calculations were performed by moving beads up and down with the fingers. Using simple addition and subtraction. | Napier’s bones could multiply, divide, and find the square roots. |
4 | The Abacus was extensively used and utilized for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. | Napier Bone’s most outstanding achievement was the invention of the algorithm. |
5 | In China and some other Asian countries, the abacus was used until the end of the 20th century. | Napier’s bones was also extensively used and utilized for the purpose of calculations |
What is the Napiers Method?
Napier Bones is a machine which is used to calculate and was developed by Scottish scientist John Napier in 1617 the main motive or objective of this machine is to perform calculation.
The invention of this machine was to calculate like multiply and divide as we know Sir John Napier was a Scottish scientist.
He is famous for his invention of algorithms with the help of its log formulae, with their help and assistance problem were solved easily and quickly.
The inventions used rectangular rod using elephant teeth and hence it is known as Bones. There are numerous formulation number is present which helps in executing bonus calculations.
This method is used to multiply two digits with another two digits; a number is required with two by-two pairs first step is followed that you want to draw two by two grids.
The second step is that you want to draw a diagonal box and that line separates the tens and the unit values multiplying the tens digit by other tens and simultaneously.
The different unit digits now multiply on the correct box after completing the grid also add some columns to the diagonal for the carry because if we want some perfect calculation & result.
We need to take the carry box for an ideal answer after completing the calculation.
Napier’s Bones Computer History?
The history of the computer is 3000 years ago the only reason for inventing the computer was to calculate problems at that time humans used bones, fingers, and stones for calculations, but their use didn’t help to solve big and complex problems and calculate solutions.
To solve the calculation first, an Abacus computer was developed.
It was the first calculating computer.
It was a manual device used for simple calculations. It is the first calculating device used for arithmetic operating calculation.
A scientist from Scotland named John Napier invented Napier Bones.
This is also a manual computer like Abacus. There are rods, bones, and elephant teeth in the Napier bones device.
This device makes simple calculations as well as division and multiplication.
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Importance of Napiers Bones
This machine is only used for calculation purposes like multiplication and division.
Some numbers are written, which are in rows and column patterns with the help of that bone calculation.
Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
Who is the Inventor of Slide Rule?
The inventor of the slide rule is William Oughtred in 1622
Advantage of Napier’s Bones?
The Napier bones is a calculating device that is used for calculating which increased the speed of performing multiplication. This device is used manually.
Full Form of Abacus
Abundant Beads, Addition, and Calculation Utility Systems
Who is the Father of the Abacus?
Abacus was invented by Tim Cranmer.
Is Abacus the First Computer?
Yes, it is considered to be the first computer.
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