11+ Major Differences Between Floppy Disk and Hard Disk in Points

The computer hard and floppy disk are primary data storage mediums used extensively worldwide.

Due to some disadvantages, floppy disks are discontinued manufacturing.

Hard disk drives have some significant features, uses, and advantages, therefore vastly used and utilized.

The exceptional capabilities of the hard disk have easily outsmarted other storage devices on the market.

Let us discuss some of the significant Differences Between Floppy Disk and Hard Disk in Points.

What is Hard Disk Drive in Computer?

The computer hard disk drive is the essential device of the computer system. It is considered one of the crucial storage devices.

Hard disks are also considered permanent data storage devices where data and information can be stored in huge volumes and retrieved whenever the user requests or demands.

Examples of Secondary Memory in Computer
Examples of Secondary Memory in Computer

The hard disk is a non-volatile memory where data and information are not lost when there is a restricted power supply.

The first hard disk was developed by IBM [International Business Machine], whose storage capacity was 5MB and weighed around 250 Kg.

The hard disk was invented in 1956 by Rey Johnson American inventor and computer pioneer who worked for IBM, also known as the father of the Hard Disk Drive.

Types of Hard Disk Drives

  • Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA)
  • Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA)
  • Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
  • Solid State Drive (SSD)

Which Hard Disk Drive is the Fastest?

SSDs are faster, more durable, compact, and faster than old HDD drives.

They are affordable, and data recovery can be performed more efficiently than other storage mediums. 

What is Floppy Disk in Computer System?

The floppy disks are obsolete due to a lack of efficiency and data storage capacity.

The floppy disk was used as an external storage device.

IBM [International Business Machine] developed the floppy disk in 1971.

The data and information stored on floppy disks were stored permanently until and unless data was corrupted due to heat and dust.

The floppy disk gained popularity as there were limited options for external storage.

Still, slowly and gradually, other external mediums like hard disks, Pen Drives, zip drives, CDs, and DVDs replaced floppy disks quickly.

Floppy disks are called “memory disks” they are 8-inch flexible plastic disks coated with magnetic iron oxide. 

To read and write data and information into a floppy disk, users need to have a flash disk drive {FDD}.

Floppy disks are highly portable when compared to hard disks.

Different Types of Floppy Disks

  • DSDD (Double-Sided Double Density) – 360 KB
  • DSD (Double-Sided High Density) – 1.2 MB
  • DSDD (Double-Sided Double Density) – 720 KB
  • DSD (Double-Sided High Density) – 1.44 MB
  • DSED (Double-Sided Extra High Density) – 2.88 MB
Types of Floppy Disk in Computer
Types of Floppy Disks in Computer

Features of Floppy Disk

  • They are used in storing data and information.
  • They are inexpensive compared to other storage mediums.
  • Very convenient to use and handle.
  • Data and information can be used and accessed anywhere using floppy drives.
  • They are portable and can be transferred from one location to another.
  • They are compact in shape and size.
  • Easily connected to the computer system.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Floppy Disks

1CostStorage Space.
4Software InstallationAccessing Problems.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Floppy Disks
Advantages and Disadvantages of Floppy Disks

Who and When was Floppy Disk Invented

The floppy disk was invented by an engineer named Alan Shugart in 1971, working for IBM [International Business Machine].

Differences Between Floppy Disk & Hard Disk With Image

Differences Between Floppy Disk and Hard Disk

Differences Between Floppy Disk and Hard Disk in Tabular Form

#Hard DiskFloppy Disk
1The hard disk has a vast storage capacity.The Floppy disk has a limited storage capacity.
2The hard disk drives are expensive.Floppy disk drives are inexpensive compared to hard disks.
3The data transfer rate is faster on hard disks.The data transfer rate is slower in floppy disk drives.
4The capacity of hard disk drives is measured in GB {Gigabyte} and TB {Terabytes}.The capacity of floppy disks is measured in MB {Mega Byte}.
5The hard disks are long-lasting.The floppy disks are prone to get damaged.
6The data is secured.The data is not secured.
7They are not damaged due to dust, heat, and moisture.They can be easily damaged.
8The hard disks are not delicate to handle.The Floppy disks are very delicate; therefore, they get corrupted easily.
9Huge software can be installed.Due to limited space, the software cannot be installed.
10The hard disk drives are still in use.They are eliminated from the market due to their various disadvantages.
11Hard disk technology is advanced compared to a floppy disk.The floppy disk technology is old technology.
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Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Who Introduced First Hard Disk?

IBM developed the first commercial Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

Who is Father of Computer Hard Disk?

Reynold B. Johnson

Who Invented SSD?

Flash memory-based SSDs were released in the market in 1989 by Western Digital.

SSD Stands For

Solid State Drive.

What is the Full Form Of IBM

International Business Machine.

Is Floppy Disk Still Used?

No, it is obsolete.

When were Floppy Disks Introduced?

The first floppy disk was introduced in 1971

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