What are the Characteristics of NON-Impact Printers

In this article, we are going to learn and write what are the four characteristics of NON-Impact Printers with examples and definitions.

Table of Contents

What is Printer?

A printer is a device that sends information to the printer in the form of text words, graphics that are of any type, i.e., in colored or in black and white that text words or pictures convert into hard copies size 8.8” to 11” sheet of paper.

Input work is accepted by the user or on other devices to use print documents.

What are Non-Impact Printers?

Non-Impact Printers is a type of printer that prints without touching physically with the help of ink or other substance, and it does not strike the paper.

Some of these printers use spray ink, while others used to heat and pressure to create graphics or text.

characteristics of NON-Impact Printers
Three Types of Non-Impact Printers

Three Types of Non-Impact Printers

  1. Laser Printers.
  2. Inkjet Printers.
  3. Thermal Printers.

1. Laser Printer

A computer-connected printer that produces high-quality printed material by using a laser to form an electrostatically charged dot on a light sensitivity drum, which attracts toner (or dried ink powder).

The toner is transferred to a sheet of paper and fixed through a heating process.

2. Inkjet Printer

An inkjet printer is a computer peripheral that sprays ink onto paper.

In an inkjet printer, the print head consists of several small nozzles, also called jets.

As the paper moves through the print head, the nozzles spray ink on it, forming letters and charts.

3. Thermal Printer

It produces an image on paper by running paper with a thermochromic coating over a print head composed of electrically heated elements and creating an image in the area where the heated coating turns black.

A dye-sublimation printer is a form of thermal printing technology that uses heat to transfer dye to materials.

types of printers
Types of Printers

Write Four Characteristics of Non-Impact Printers

  • It prints faster than the impact printer and takes less time.
  • They do not physically touch; you need the help of ink or other substances to print and without a physical feel to print.
  • Good quality printable material printing.
  • They are quieter than impact printers while printing.
  • Prints a page in minimal time.
  • It also prints a graphic image precisely as it is.
  • They need less maintenance or repairs than impact printers.
  • They are used today because they are easy to handle and are considered fast.
  • It is used in small machines like receipts, ATMs, movie tickets, Bus tickets, billings, etc.
  • They are extensively used by students, employees, and working people for official work use.   
  • You can print on various paper sizes, from the banner format size to anything else.
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Characteristics of Non-Impact Printers Using Image

Characteristics of Non-Impact Printers
Characteristics of Non-Impact Printers

Types of Non-Impact Printers

  • Laser Printers.
  • Inkjet Printers.
  • Thermal Printers.
Types of non Impact Printers
Types of non Impact Printers

3 Types of Impact Printers?

  • Dot-Matrix
  • Daisy-Wheel
  • Line Printers.
Types of Impact Printers
Types of Impact Printers

Examples of Non-Impact Printers

All printers today are non-impact printers they are
  • Laser printer
  • Inkjet printer
  • LED Printer
  • Solid Ink Printer
  • Thermal Wax Transfer Printer
  • Dye-Sublimation Printer

Different Types of Printers

Types of Printer
Types of Printer

Useful Video On: Characteristics of Non-Impact Printers

Characteristics of NON-Impact Printers

5 Advantages of Non-Impact Printers

  1. They are inexpensive.
  2. Multiple printouts can be obtained at a reasonable cost.
  3. It can print a line or character at a time.
  4. Print quality is superior compared to impact printers.
  5. They use cartridges and toners for printing.

5 Disadvantages of Non-Impact Printers

  • Ink cartridges for non-impact printers are very costly.
  • In laser printers, toner is harmful to humans.
  • An Inkjet printer is slower than a laser printer, and high-quality er is required.
  • It is expensive to replace the ink cartridge.
  • In a thermal printer, if it is too heated to operate, ink consumes more, and the printing may not be accurate.

7 Differences Between Impact and Non-Impact Printers

#Impact PrintersNon-Impact Printers
1The impact printer prints characters or images by striking a print hammer or wheel against an inked ribbon.The non-impact printer prints characters and images without hitting the paper
2Impact Printers are slower.Non-Impact Printers are comparatively faster.
3Lower print quality.Superior Print Quality
4Usually uses continuous paper sheets.The non-impact printer uses individual paper sheets.
5Impact printer makes noise during printing.Non-impact doesn’t make noise.
6It uses an inked ribbon while printing,Non-impact uses toner or cartridge for printing.
Difference Between Impact and Non-Impact Printers

What are the 3 Functions of a Printer?

Functions of a Printer
Functions of a Printer
  • Print
  • Scan
  • Copy

Different Printers With Their Uses in Tabular Form

Sr.NoPrinter NameUses
#1LaserLaser printers are used in printing stationery, brochures, labels, leaflets
#2Dot-MatrixThe dot matrix printers are capable of printing multiple sheets at once. They are used in the billing section of offices and businesses.
#3Thermal PrintersThey are used in railways reservations, restaurants, ATMs, credit card swipes, malls, etc.
#4Photo PrintersPhoto Printers are used for printing photos and images in high quality and are used by professionals.
#5Inkjet PrintersInkjet printers are used to produce printouts on a variety of objects such as Envelop, T-shirts, visiting cards, invitation cards, etc.

Famous Printer Manufacturing Companies

Is a Printer Input or Output?

The printer is an output device that presents output on paper.
Printer an Output Device
Printer is an Output Device

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

What are the 2 Impact Printers

Dot-Matrix & Daisy Wheel.

What are the Two Types of Printers

Impact & Non-Impact Printers.

What are the 3 Types of Non-Impact Printers?

Laser, Inkjet, and Thermal Printers.

Is Plotter an Impact Printer?

No, Plotter is used and utilized in engineering.

Which is the Best Non-Impact Printer?

Inkjet printer.
Laser printer.
Thermal printer.
Dye sublimation printer.

Is inkjet a Non-Impact Printer?

Majority of the modern computers are non-impact printers

Which Non-Impact Printer is Fastest?

Chain Printers.

What is the Slowest Printer?

Dot Matrix Printer.

What is World’s Smallest printer?

HP DeskJet 3700 Series Printer

Give the Characteristics of Non-Impact Printer

Low Maintenance.
Quality Prints are Available as Outputs.

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