Today’s post will discuss and learn the characteristics and Features of Third Generation Computer System in Points with examples, uses, advantages, and disadvantages.
The Duration in which the third generation computer was built and used is considered to be between 1963 to 1972.
This generation of computers replaced transistors with IC.
IC stands for “Integrated Circuit”.
Jack Kilby developed the integrated circuit in 1958.
What are the Third Generation Computers Systems?
Several other components and segments were used in a single silicon chip Transistor, Resistor, and Capacitor.
They were called “Semiconductors”, which drastically improved and enhanced speed, reliability, efficiency, and dependability.

Third-generation computers possess components like a transistor, resistor, and capacitor in a single silicon chip called a “Semiconductor”.
These semiconductors enhanced the computer system’s speed, efficiency, reliability, and performance.
The 3rd generation computers are primarily used in multiprogramming operating systems, remote processing, and time-sharing.
For an input in the second-generation computer, punched cards and paper tapes were used, whereas third-generation computers are equipped with input devices such as a keyboard, mouse, and joystick.
In this era, modern operating systems were developed to help them communicate and interact with input devices, output devices, and operating systems.
This 3rd generation of computer is also considered multiprogramming and multitasking due to its silent features and characteristics that allow multiple programs and applications to run and execute at a single time with the help of a central program with the computer’s internal and main memory.
Small Scale Integration (SSI)
The silicon chip was designed and developed to incorporate 10 to 20 components like resistor, capacitor, and transistor inside a single silicon chip with an integrated circuit called “IC”.
Medium Scale Integration (MSI)
More than 100 electronic components were integrated inside a silicon chip with better performance and functionality in the medium-scale integrated circuit.
This integrated circuit was performing much better than old-fashioned vacuum tubes.
This was a revolutionary change as it changed the overall look and feel of the computer system.
This IC made a remarkable change in the computer system’s size, cost, and reliability.
The main benefit and advantages of the third-generation computer system were that it was less expensive than the second-generation computer and consumed less power and energy than 2nd generation computers.
The energy produced by vacuum tubes and the transistor was enormous. Therefore, the IC replaced them quickly.
They were equipped with built-in memory, which stores a small amount of data, information, and instruction for processing and handling.
They used and processed programming languages such as binary, assembly, and high-level programming languages.
- FortranCobol
- Pascal
- Basic
Who Invented Third Generation Computer
Jack Kilby developed the integrated circuit on 12th September 1958. He was an electrical engineer from Texas Instruments Company.
The third generation computer used IC {Integrated Circuit} rather than vacuum tubes and transistors as the ICs were small and compact, which significantly reduced the overall size of the computer system.
The small-sized computers were easily installed in the small room. They also produced and consumed less power and energy.
Features of Third Generation Computers in Points
- The third-generation computers were small in size to shift compact design from one location to another.
- They are highly portable.
- They are designed and developed to achieve particular tasks and operations.
- Highly sophisticated technology and design were utilized and implemented to develop third-generation computers.
- They are required high maintenance.
- Due to their compact design, they were used as commercial products.
- Small Scale Integration (SSI) and Medium Scale Integration (MSI) chips were used in third-generation computers for better performance.
- Their speed was increased from microseconds to Nanoseconds using advanced technology.
- They used a more robust and advanced operating system, which helped develop powerful high-level languages.
- They used Magnetic storage devices for storing data, instructions, and information.
- They were pretty reliable and used monitors and keyboards as input devices.
- The outputs generated by third-generation computers were trustworthy.
Features of Third Generation Computer With Image

Basic and Major Characteristics of Third Generation Computers With Examples
- The third generation computer used IC {Integrated Circuit}.
- Third-generation computers are more reliable and efficient compared to 2nd generation computers.
- They are small in size and can be easily installed in small rooms.
- They produce less heat and energy compared to other generations of computers.
- As they produced less energy not required to cool the components from extra heating, therefore AC {Air Conditioner} were avoided.
- The third-generation computer used a keyboard, mouse, and joystick as input devices.
- High-level programming languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL, and BASIC were used.
- This generation of computers is faster compared to their counterparts.
- Multiprogramming and multitasking were used.
- Main memory was built in, which was used to save and hold data temporarily for faster execution.
- VLSI {Very Large Scale Integration} and ULSI {Ultra Large Scale Integration} chips were used for compact design.
Benefits and Advantages of Third Generation Computers in Points
- The third generation computer used integrated circuits {IC} instead of the transistor and vacuum tubes.
- They are highly portable.
- They are small in size and can be installed in small spaces.
- They are less expensive compared to the second-generation computer.
- They consumed less heat and energy.
- They are multiprogramming and multitasking machines that changed the overall computer generation.
- They require less maintenance.
- They are more versatile, efficient, and reliable machines.
- Computers were more reliable than previous generations
- They use and support high programming languages.
- Computers can support High-level Languages
- Secondary storage devices for storing information and data.
Drawbacks and Disadvantages of Third Generation Computers in Points with Examples
• Air conditioners were not required in Mini computers
• The design and technology are complex.
• For maintenance and repair, highly skilled professionals are required.
• Integrated circuits were installed, which in itself is a sophisticated technology.
• They are expensive machines.

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Examples of Third Generations Computer System

- IBM-360 Series
- Honeywell – 6000 series
- PDP (Personal Data Processor)
- IBM-370/168
- TDC-316
- UNIVAC 1108
- PDP-8
- PDP-5
- PDP-1
- Barose-5700/6700/7700
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