In this article, we will learn 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of C Language | Benefits and Drawbacks of C Programming with its definition. Uses, applications, and examples.
C language was designed and developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T Bells Lab in the United States of America.
The C Language is procedure-oriented.
Dennis Ritchie developed C language to build Unix Operating System. The C programming language is also considered as “Mother Language”.
C programming language is a general-purpose programming language used in embedded systems, operating systems, firmware, and portable applications.
C programming language is primarily used in developing system software and operating system.
Stay with me to know more about C programming languages with their advantages and disadvantages.
Let us dig into the topic more briefly.
What is C language with Example?
The C programming language is very simple to use and handle as it has low-level access to memory and a clean style of code writing.
The Majority of the languages are evolved after the success of the C programming language. The syntax these languages use is similar to the C language.
Some languages whose code structure is similar to C programming are PHP, JAVA, and JavaScript.
This language is a basic language, and it is extremely easy to learn for beginners. It is a structured language with code efficiency.
The code written in this language can be easily interpreted as well as read. They are also used in mathematical programs.
This language was an instant hit and was very popular among the users because of its some silent features and advantages and benefits.
To rewrite UNIX operating system c language was designed and developed. UNIX operating system was developed in B language.
The B language was not that popular at its time; also, Ken Thompson developed it in the year 1970 at Bell laboratories.
Advantages and Disadvantages of C Language

10 Advantages of C Language in Points
- The code written in C language is Simple to write and understand.
- The code is fast to implement and execute.
- This language is super easy to learn and use.
- The execution time is super-fast compared to other programming languages.
- The code can be appropriately arranged for further processing and handling.
- It is a procedure programming language.
- It is a structured programming language.
- It is easy to write user-defined functions in programs for better understanding and faster processing.
- The C language is a middle-level language; therefore, it is convenient to develop an application that falls in the high or low-level category.
- In the C programming language, 32 reserved keywords are built-in for easy learning and execution.
- With the help of the C language, it is easy to develop system software and operating system.
- It is a Statically Typed Language.
- They are highly portable. “Write once, compile everywhere” is their famous tag line.
- Built-in functions are present for speedier coding.
- It also possesses dynamic memory allocation.
Drawbacks & Disadvantages of C Language
- No doubt C programming is a powerful language, but it has several limitations as well.
- C language is a procedure-oriented language. Therefore, it does not support the OOPs concept, i.e., object-oriented programming concept.
- Exception handling is missing in the C programming language. It is an essential tool for software developers to track exact errors in the code, i.e., syntax or logical.
- The run-time checking feature is unavailable in C. It makes eliminating errors more complex as it checks complete code at once. Other programming languages check code line by line that makes it software developers easy to find bugs in the code.
- It does not support inheritance.
- It does not identify the variable type.
- The concept of a namespace is missing.
- Lacks constructor and destructor.
- Fail in collecting garbage values.
- It is a case-sensitive language.
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Applications of C Languages and Programming?
The C programming language has been one of the most used programming languages for a few decades.
Because of its silent features and advantages, it has easily replaced its counterparts.
Some of the applications of the c language are mentioned below. Please have a look.
- They are well equipped for building system software, application software, and operating system.
- Device drivers can be easily developed in c language, which falls in the category of system software.
- The compiler can be developed with C.
- Database management software like MYSQL, Oracle, and SQL servers can be developed easily.
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