10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Language

The machine language is also called “Low-Level Programming Language” and “Binary Language”.

Machine language was extensively used in the first generation of computers. Machine language is the first language used to develop a high-end computer system.

This language was used and preferred by most large organizations; still, there are some significant advantages and disadvantages of machine language.

Table of Contents

What is Machine Language?

Machine language is a low-level programming language that includes and uses 0s and 1s. Computers are not capable of reading and understanding other languages except machine language.

Machine language is far more challenging to learn and execute.

Machine language is a computer programming language used for developing computers; this language was used in the first and second generations of computers.

This machine language does not need translation as it is already written and compiled in binary language, which is easily understood by a computer system.

The bugs and errors in low-level language cannot be quickly figured out and are very tedious to resolve.

Computer languages use a compiler, interpreter, and translator for functioning and execution.

Machine language works in two distinct methods.
  • Opcode 
  • Location Counter

An opcode is responsible for transferring data and information to computers.

Location Code: It represents and presents information for storing data and information.

Various programming languages are available to write programming codes, like C, C+=, Python, Visual Basic, Ruby, etc.

Examples of Machine Language
 01000011 01101000 01110100 01101001 01110000 01110011 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101

Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Language | Benefits and Drawbacks of Machine Language

Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Language
Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Language

Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Language in Tabular Form

# Machine Language Advantages Machine Language Disadvantages
1The machine language | low-level language does not require translation as they are already written in binary language, i.e. 0s and 1s, which is easily understood by the computer system. This language is extensively used in the first generation of computers.The major disadvantage of machine language is that the codes and programs are complicated to write, memorize and execute.
2The products written in machine language are considerably faster compared to others.Very tedious to resolve bugs and errors present in the codes and programs.
3These machine codes are used in developing a high-grade computer system.Not every individual can write or even memorize the code.
4Machine language is used to develop system software crucial to a computer system.It is platform independent language.
5Machine language has made a significant impact on the development of computer systems.Writing codes in machine language take a considerable amount of time.
6The CPU directly executes the codes and instructions given by the machine or low-level language.They default to handle and maintain and are prone to errors.
7The code and program written in machine language are executed quickly as they are in binary format.It isn’t easy to modify.
8Machine language does not require a translator.The numerical form of instructions is difficult to remember and leads the errors.
9In machine language sequence of bits is used to give commands and instructions, whereas 0 represents false or off state and 1 represents on or true state.The codes written in machine language are not reusable.
10Machine Language is responsible for the evolution of computer systems and operating systems.Machine language is a challenging and complex programming language to learn and execute.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Machine Language

Useful Video On: Machine Language Advantages and Disadvantages

Pros & Cons of Machine Langauge

What are the Features of Machine Language?

There are several features of machine language that are stated below
  • Machine language is also called “Low-Level Language.”
  • Machine language works with binary digits like 0s and 1s.
  • The binary need not translate as computers easily understand them.
  • They were extensively used in the first generation of computers.
  • They are challenging to learn and execute.
  • The development time taken to write and compile a program was considerably high.

Different Types of Computer Language

Types of Computer Language
Types of Computer Language
  • Machine Language.
  • Assembly Language. 
  • High-Level Language.

4 Types of Programming Language

  1. Procedural Programming Language
  2. Functional Programming Language
  3. Scripting Programming Language
  4. Logic Programming Language
  5. Object-Oriented Programming Language [OOPs]

6 Uses of Machine Language

  1. The computer cannot understand human languages or codes; therefore, it needs to translate this code or language into a machine-readable form that is 0s and 1s. This language is called machine language or Binary Language.
  2. Machine languages were used in the first generation of computers to develop system software.
  3. Machine language is converted to human readable language with the help of a compiler and translator.
  4. Operation systems and other system software were developed with the help of machine language.
  5. Device drivers are also designed and developed with the help of machine language.
  6. Language Compilers, Assemblers, Text Editors, Print Spoolers, Network Drivers, Modern Programs, Databases, and Language Interpreters are developed with the help of machine language or low-level programming language like C programming.

Machine Language vs Assembly Language

#Machine LanguageAssembly Language
1A machine language consists of 0s and 1sAssembly language is a similar syntax to the English language
2Normal individuals cannot understand machine language.It is easy to understand assembly language.
3Machine language is used in the first generation of computers.Assembly language is used in the second generation of computers.
4Machine language does not require a translator.Assembly language requires a translator.
5Modification and update are not possibleModification and updating are not that difficult.

Programming Language Launched Date & Uses

#Programming LanguageUsesLaunched Year
1CDevice Drivers and Operating System1972
2C++Games, Video, and Picture Editing Software.1985
3PythonArtificial Intelligence and Machine learning1991
4PHPApplication Development, Software.1995
5.NETDesktop Software and Application Software.2001
6JAVAEnterprise Application Development1996
7JavaScriptRich Interactive Web Applications1995
8JqueryIt is a framework of javascript used to add extra functionality to webpages.2006
9SQLDatabase Management1979

Different Programming Languages With Purpose

#Programming LanguageUses
1CDevice Drivers and Operating System
2C++Games, Video, and Picture Editing Software.
3PythonArtificial Intelligence and Machine learning
4PHPApplication Development, Software.
5.NETDesktop Software and Application Software.
6JAVAEnterprise Application Development
7JavaScriptRich Interactive Web Applications
8JqueryIt is a framework of javascript used to add extra functionality to webpages.
9SQLDatabase Management

Is Python a Machine Language

Python is an example of a high-level language

Is C++ a Machine Language

C++ is considered to be a low-level programming language

Is Machine Language Hard To Learn

Yes, Machine language is complicated to learn and execute.

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Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Why is Machine Language called Binary Language?

Machine-level language is also called “Low-Level Language”. It works with 0s and 1s; therefore, it is known as “Binary Language”.

Is Machine Language a Low-Level Language?

Machine Language and Assembly Language are the two well-known low-level languages.

What is Machine Programming?

Machine programming is used in the development, maintenance and automation of software.

Is Machine Language Faster than Assembly Language?

Machine language is faster and more advanced than assembly language.

Who Created Machine Language?

The first programming language was developed in 1883 when Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage worked together on the Analytical and Differential engines.

What is the 1st Programming Language?

FORTRAN [Formula Translation] is one of the oldest programming languages designed and developed by John Backus in 1957.

2 Major Advantages of Machine Language

Machine language is used to develop system software.
The software developed in machine language is faster in processing.

2 Disadvantages of Machine Language

Machine language is difficult to write, memorize and learn.
Difficult to modify the code written in machine language.

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